FAQ and About Me!

Also known as frequently asked questions.

Who are you? and what is this assortment of notes?

I am Ronak Agrawal. I enjoy structuring stuff and identifying hierarchies. This website is an attempt to just do the same for my learnings, experiences and share w/ whosoever is interested.

Who is the target audience?

Like I said, whosoever is interested.
I know for sure, a future version of me will definitely be interested. This is as raw as it gets.
Also, a couple of close friends and family to whom I will deliberately pass this link!.

What is the update frequency? and How long do you think you can keep this up?

Don't know. For now, I just hope I stay consistent :). I can always come back after a pause(the comment is more for me, than for you!). For now, I am not putting pressure on myself. Let's see how it goes.

How do we reach you?

If you want to reach (I don't know why you would want to, but sure!), send the message to ronakagrawal2006@gmail.com.